MAY 15TH, 2022 2:00PM - 5.30PM
Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse Goddess Circle
We gather in love, sweetness, power, and beauty. Align your feminine self with sensuality, and your subtle bodies to the higher frequencies of light available to us during the Full Moon total Lunar eclipse. It is in Scorpio this time, and the themes of death of the old and transformation are with us.
Under the big sky, please join me and my fellow Magdalen Sister on the mountain in Malibu on Sunday. The afternoon opens with a deep Cacao Ceremony and eclipse meditation. We follow with a juicy Tantric Bellydance workshop that combines movement and a sisterhood circle to unlock the mystery & awaken the Divine Feminine within you through sacred healing dance.
Presented by two generations of Magdalen women, Josie Keys and Zoe Dane.
Cacao & Tantric Bellydance in a private Malibu Sanctuary
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION : Find true balance between the masculine (active) and feminine (receptive) side of your being. During these times of high anxiety, excitement, rebirth and challenge, activating your shakti (the natural energy of pleasure and love in the body), calms down your nervous system and is perfect soul healing.
The workshop combines movement and a sisterhood circle to unlock the mystery & awaken the Divine Feminine within you through sacred healing dance. Let us sooth and inspire our hearts and bodies - together. Feel your heart and spirit sing together when your sexuality is ignited with love, allowing the flow of shakti in your body and energy field to radiate from you as you move through life. With a perspective shift and attuning our bodies, we really can embody the Divine Feminine on Earth, and now we need it more than ever!
This workshop teaches BASIC belly dance technique and some free form dance so you loosen up and sweat! First, we focus on technique, strengthening the core and entire body, opening up areas in which we feel stuck, improving posture, body awareness and control. Secondly we engage tantric breathing and Temple dance. This is slow and easy and moves energy in our chakras.
Through the practice of Sacred Tantric Dance, we can shift the old paradigm of a shut down disconnected feminine, and ground into our bodies the empowered, fertile expressions of the Goddess and her beautiful manifestations of life force in human form.
You can be any size, shape, age or fitness level. Women’s bodies move this way naturally, so it’s easy. And its fun!
Attire : Yoga clothes or a bra style top and a flow-y skirt. Bring a layer to put on after the workout in case it is breezy. If you have a hip scarf please bring it. I have some to loan you if you don’t. Bring a SWIMSUIT and towel as you may want enter the pool at the end.
Optional : Feel free to adorn your self with jewelry and makeup if you wish. Feel Beautiful!
Please bring a HAT and or sunblock as we will be outside.
Light Snacks and drinks included.
Address : details given after registration
Energy Exchange: $88

Two Generations of Magdalens
✨Divine Feminine Rising🌹
is a facilitator of Divine Feminine Embodiment and Igniter of the Flame of Mary Magdalene.
Helping women remember their magick, power, pleasure & purpose to co-create Heaven on Earth. 🌹🌍🌹 #venusianpriestess #thewayoftherose