
Tantric Bellydance Retreat

Costa Rica

January 9th - 14th 2025

Five day Tantric Belly Dance retreat, Costa Rica

DANCE under La Abuela, Grandmother tree

SING at the waterfall, EXPLORE the river

NOURISH with home grown food

COMMUNE with the Full moon

RELAX in simple elegance

DELIGHT in the circle of women

Unleash HER, the goddess who lives inside you, whose voice is READY to be fully heard.  

Embrace your hidden wild tenderness in untamed nature.

Feel the flow of mama earth through your veins, with your feet upon the earth, and water from Nauyaca waterfall (the local legends say that faeries live under the waterfall) gliding over your body,

and dancing with an ancient tree… 

Shake off the winter blues, connect with the elements as you dance and relax in nature.  


This is a simple, grounded retreat.  No plant medicine, no shamans, simply women and Tantric Belly Dance, in nature, at beautiful HOME Farm Retreat Center (Heaven On Mother Earth) .

Join an intimate community of women and dive deep into the practice of Tantric Belly Dance, waking up shakti and resetting your nervous system circuitry for joy, love and happiness.

Let Costa Rica nurture you in a curated retreat with Tantric Belly Dance founder, Josie Keys, as you shake off worldly worries and sink into nature for five days. 


Do you hear the call of the Mother? Is the jungle calling you?

this retreat is for you if…

You want to feel an incredible sweetness in you, that you did not know existed

You want to feel deeply empowered and yet fully compassionate,

experience the Divine Feminine in your body,


break through any stagnation in your life!

Know it is time to own the ravishing, intoxicating, sacred beauty that you are…

Experience yourself as the goddess in the beautiful container of a circle of dancing women.

Tantric Belly dance is ancient and modern. It is a danceform that awakens the bodies natural authentic expression, wisdom, and ecstasy,

and is about embodiment of the Divine feminine.

In this Ancient Temple space, you can heal old wounds, overcome fear, embrace sensuality and sexuality

and bask in the radiance of your beauty in an emotionally safe way.

No experience necessary



Daily Tantric Belly dance practice

Yoga & breathwork

Body realignment

Voice activation workshop

Full moon Crystaline DNA activation and dance ceremony

River swimming

Healthy home cooked food

…all on the property at HOME Farm retreat center

Let the magic of Costa Rica soothe your soul and bring you a new depth of understanding of the divine feminine within YOU, so you can Unleash HER.  

Retreat Facilitators

Josie Keys

is a teacher of Divine Feminine Embodiment and Igniter of the Flame of  Mary Magdalene. She is deeply engaged in the rising wave of Divine Feminine energy as it re-emerges on the Earth plane. She feels called to share the teachings of the great mystery of  the Goddess, and expand the understanding of the embodiment of the divine feminine and masculine throughout humanity. 

Through the practice of Sacred Tantric Dance, Josie helps shift the old paradigm of a  shut down disconnected feminine, and grounds into our bodies the empowered and  fertile expressions of God/Goddess that we are meant to be—beautiful  manifestations of life force in human form. 

Josie started on the devotional path in Los Angeles in 1999, when she was guided to  meet Ammachi the hugging saint, Sri Param, a visiting Tantric Priest and a Suzanne  Shakti Copeland who became her Tantric Belly Dance teacher all in the same year. She  was a student of all three for over a decade, and became a lineage holder of the dance. 

A natural seeker, Josie grew up in Australia, has traveled all over the world and  currently resides in Venice, California. She started as a photographer, filmmaker,  and graphic designer, engaged in a regular 5 rhythms dance practice for 15 years,  also became an Intuitive Astrologer and painter, and now embraces and embodies the Divine Mother in all aspects of Her Creative Expression. She has been teaching  nationally and internationally since 2012. 

After embracing Tantric Belly Dance as a teacher, Josie was called by Spirit to share even more deeply, to offer her understanding of Sacred Union. Since 2015, she has brought forward profound workshop experiences that activate the divine selves of each participant by engaging with pleasure, emotional intimacy and love, through simple Tantric practices.

She is passionate about the urgent and fundamental need all of us have to  consciously activate the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in our lives. This is just as essential for us, as it is for the ground on which we kneel and kiss - our beloved planet Earth that we call home.

More info about Josie and her work here

  • Dr. Carrie

    Chiropractic/ Reiki / Breathwork Practitioner

    Breathwork with Dr. Carrie is a unique opportunity to experience the power of the breath, Reiki and chiropractic all in the same session.

    We begin with a brief explanation of how we will be breathing, including the 5 breathing basics and what you will feel and experience during your journey. We will do a few practice breaths and after a quick bathroom breath, we will get comfortable on our mats and begin to breathe.

    Reiki will be offered during the initial stages as well as during the integration process as needed. Dr. Carrie will be guiding you through the breathing basics, and monitoring your progress. Then chiropractic work will address the cervical spine only and only with your previous consent near the end of the session.

    While you are relaxing and enjoying the moments of your integration, Dr. Carrie will massage your neck to check for restricted or tight muscles and make adjustments as needed. This helps to release any tension created from the session and also helps to move the energy needed to fully and more comfortably enjoy the blissful feeling from the breathwork.

  • Astaria Love

    Sound Alchemist / Voice Activation

    Astaria Light of Sound is a Voice Midwife, Sound Alchemist, and Creativity Catalyst.

    She blends her trainings as a certified Sound Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, Shamanic Medicine Guide, Vocal Activation Coach, and Counsellor, to curate unique transformational experiences for all those who are deeply listening.

    Through Shamanic voice retrieval, she assists those who have been disconnected from their expression, silenced by trauma and patriarchal programming, to reclaim their birthright to be all of who they are, with courage, confidence, and integrity. She guides people to embody their most authentic nature, liberating the full spectrum of their soul signature, whilst inspiring the emergence of creativity and the sharing of their unique gifts.

    Astaria serves as an inspirational muse and soul guide to spark the remembrance that YOU are the medicine and that your voice is your most powerful instrument.

  • Teodora Simu

    Crystal Grid and Skull Facilitator.

    Born and raised in Transyvania, Romania, Teodora carries with her the lineage of the mystics and the dragons. From early childhood, Teodora has felt the call of the Divine. It was as if her heart was whispering that its Beloved was missing.

    This subtle, yet powerful whisper has been the driving force behind Teodora’s entire life. Her search led her to sit in many plant ceremonies with Ayahuasca, Peyote, Kambo, Happe and Sananga and she has studied with gurus in India, sages in Bali and indigenous tribes in Mexico. in 2021 Teodora moved to Costa Rica where she dove DEEP into heart centered practices which led her to find the Beloved, deep inside her heart.

    At UnleasHER, Teodora brings forth the MAGIC of the open HEART and the 90 Crystalline DNA strands for DNA upgrades. This Crystalline Codex work supports all humanity to become what they truly are - sovereign beings connected to source and their heart center.This pure frequency activation is the baseline for the NEW CODES OF THE DIVINE HUMAN.

Retreat Center : Home Farm

Heaven on Mother Earth

(El Cielo en la Madre Tierra)

Regenerative Sanctuary & Educational Center